Concert Lighting Techniques, Art and Business THIRD EDITION

:point_right: Автор: Moody, James, Dexter, Paul
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Preface: Are We Legit Yet?

46years! Amazing. Concert lighting has gone from being the new kid on the block to mature citizen. Walk around any lighting conference and the question as to whether or not this medium might survive is answered by row upon row of manufacturers from around the world showing things that didn’t exist even a year ago, mostly spurred on by concert touring money. However, sales these days are also to theatres, theme parks, cruise ships, display and architectural clients …the list goes on to include anyone who uses lighting for entertainment.
Whilesales of the second edition of this book went on and on way past the popularity of most books, the need for an update was long overdue. The reader will fi nd several new and many expanded chapters. Most of the new chapters are on topics that didn’t even exist when the last edition was printed: LEDs, digital lights, media servers, and piles of software. One of the sections I still enjoy the most is getting leading lighting designers to talk about a project and their take on their work and the business. This time around, a chapter where artists discuss the interaction between designer and artist expands our view of how the whole production comes together. So much has transpired in the past 13 years that every chapter has been expanded to fi ll in the gaps.
Twoeditorial issues need to be addressed. I have always been confl icted when writing the phrase as “ rock &roll ”over any of the following: Rock &roll, rock ‘ n ’ roll, rock and roll, and other variations of the phrase. As I compared the second edition to my current writing I found I was skipping back and forth, so I decided to check with the two authorities: Rolling Stone magazine, which uses rock &roll, and the Rock &Roll Hall of Fame . Both use the ampersand, so there you have it. I have adopted the
usage of rock & roll from here on out.
Thesecond issue has to do with what we call a theatrical lighting fi xture. Starting with Vari*Lite years ago and culminating with the recently released Essential Skills for Entertainment Technicians (ESET) Body of Knowledge, as funded by the Entertainment Services and Technology Association (ESTA), the term luminaire is now the accepted term for “ light sources contained in a housing ”and is not just a term to refer to moving luminaires. Therefore, this edition will try, except inside quotes, to
change to this 21st-century defi nition.
Oneother point I would like to make. This is not a textbook as much as it is a history lesson and a discussion by experts and practitioners of their craft who tell stories of their experiences. Sure, you will also fi nd explanations of the equipment and high-tech gadgets that the industry has grown to love. I am a big believer that we learn more from history and listening to people who have survived the
grueling road life to tell the reader what was tough, hard work but amazingly fun.
Finally , we are sadly at the juncture where we are saying goodbye to some of the early pioneers who believed in and stuck with this medium. Some have died way too young and without reaching their potential. Others have reached well beyond normal retirement age and are still going strong, although some have decided to slow down, if just a little. To the next generation, my own son included,
I say we have only opened the gates … you make it fl ood.

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